April 7, 2009

another week

The Spanish presentation went well, as I posted the other day. Last week was a full week. Not only was there Spanish class and technical training things to do all day but also I taught yoga three days and ran two days. Wednesday was very busy. We had a full day of classes; including a tour of the candy factory in town (Dona Tula’s) then I taught a yoga class and after went to the dance lessons I coordinated with Claudio (the friend of the family who is a DJ on the radio and at the Discoteca). The dance class was a success! Yeah, we said 7:30PM and Cludio showed up at 8:10 but whatever, that’s the DR for you. Once it got started the group really had a good time learning the meringue and the guys did a tremendous job learning how to lead and guide their partners while turning them. I felt so proud! We made plans to hit up the Discoteca Wow on Saturday night so the guys could show off their new moves.
Thursday was spent working on our Spanish presentations. Mine was about what I learned from the three ICT workers I had interviewed throughout the week. I’m interning at the lab in the Lecio (high school), and the ICT worker there doesn’t even have a working lab. When it is set up there are only about 10 computers for the 40 some students in the class. So most of teaching is theoretical. The DR’s education system is big on students just memorizing information and having them repeat it back so it makes sense to have it be the same with computers too. This is also a country where something like 2% of the GDP is spent on Education, ranking 133 out of 134 countries. It’s unbelievable sometimes. So that’s what my group gets to work with! This week we (all of us in the training group) are going to try to fix the computers and re-install Windows, and hope that they last a few weeks. The computers the Secretary of Education (SEE) gets for these labs are usually old and refurbished so they don’t hold up too well anyway. This week should be fun because we’ll finally be doing hands on learning! Enough of the sitting through lectures!
Friday night we were so ready to chill out after the very long day of presentations in Spanish. So we all made plans to watch a movie at another PCT’s house. My Don bought me a bottle of rum, that I was share with the group. I did my best to share but everyone wanted beer. Unexpectedly Cecilia and Justin (two PCV, I met a few weekends ago while on my PCV visit) came by the house, they are in El Seibo to help with our training. The talked me into going to Harold’s (the colmado across from WOW) and then discoteca Wow. I danced a lot and had a good time, but the hangover the next day was torture.
I woke up Saturday morning and no one was up because well, it was Saturday! I didn’t feel like waking up Yenny (the “adopted” daughter who usually makes my breakfast) since she is starting her vacation. So I walked to the colmado across the street and bought some bread. I was struggling at the tech session we had that morning. Lunchtime finally came. I had never craved rice and beans so much in my life! I would have killed for some huevos rancheros or eggs benedict that morning! When I did get home Daisy was upset that I didn’t wake her up so she could make me breakfast. I didn’t think to much of it but since this culture is very much about appearances, she doesn’t want people thinking she doesn’t feed me. She does, just not much at breakfast, but only you know that. Later on as a group of gringos, we hit up the pizza place that has Wi-fi, it worked for the first few minutes and then went out. After my slice of pizza and beer (a little hair of the dog that bit me… you know) it came back on. I found out that I could get a yoga-teaching manual in Spanish for $25, something to think about if I want to start classes at my site. After that little adventure Stacie and I went to for a run. We found I nice paved road that took us out of town toward Miches. It’s the perfect running road with just the right amount of hills and straight-aways. I need to add that on this night I attempted to eat a soup that was mostly cow intestines! Yes, I tried it, chewed it, and swallowed it. I gave it my best shot but just couldn’t eat more than a few spoonfuls. It was the most disgusting food I’ve ever had. BUT AT LEAST I TRIED!! If that doesn’t say Peace Corps I don’t know was else does. Not to mention I now have diarrhea (I’m thinking that’s why). Then it was time to get ready for the Americans debut at WOW. Everyone had a good time and Claudio was happy with the guy’s performance. We scheduled another class for Monday.
Sunday the PC group went to Costa Esmeralda (?), close to Miches. It is still a virgin beach, most of the property is rumored to be developed by a foreign development firm, but no word on when or what exactly will be built in the future. The views on the way there and at the beach were absolutely amazing. The drive there was bumpy but seeing the valleys and countryside made up for the small amount of carsickness most of us had. We spent the day lounging around, swimming and walking around this very tranquillo beach. No one wanted to leave, it was the perfect spot to sleep under the sky in a hammock, but alas we had to leave before dark since the drive through the mountains is a little tricky. My sickness didn’t kick in until I got in the car to head back to El Seibo (thank goodness). Once at my house my stomach hurt so bad and I was so nauseas I crawled into bed at 8PM and woke up at 7AM. Not only was my stomach in pain, but I’ve also come down with El gripe (a cold). Slowly I’m feeling better, I’m taking lots of liquids and advil.
Because of my yuckiness I was in daze most of Monday. I did feel good enough to go to the dance class. I was a lesson in bachata dancing. It’s a very boring dance. The beat isn’t fast and your not supposed to turn the ladies that much in it. Oh well, at least I showed up. I’ve learned so far that here in the DR 90% is just showing up. Either way, for a job or meeting, if you just show up people think your doing something – even though that’s not always true.

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