Tis’ the season to reflect on the past year and be thankful. I have played around with how to express the many blessings that have presented themselves to me this year. My family is surely at the top of the list. All the support and love that has been sent to me via phone calls, emails, facebook posts, and their two week visit has been enough to keep me strong while dealing with the challenges of living out of the country and working with my campo. Second - my new family, those other volunteers who came at the same time as I, and my adoptive family here in the community. I have a second mother here in Baitoa and she takes care of me just as my mother would, but with a little less verbal suggestions. My new sisters, the volunteer females who have answered my daily phone calls and talked me through boredom, stress, frustration, and saddens. I thought college is where I’d make lasting friendships, but i feel these women will be in my life forever and I am very grateful to be part of theirs. Oh, yes the friends back in the states too have been encouraging too and as always i am thankful to share their friendship.
In less meaningful, yet very important ways I am thankful for (after living here in the DR) running water and indoor plumbing, 24 hour luz, health conscious living and the stores used to promote it, Kombucha, Stella Atouis, Austin, wireless internet in the home, somewhat well funded education system, teachers who care about their students (like Kay Birdwell), and huevos rancheros.
Collares Rojos
13 years ago